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An app designed for the 2020 Trust A Thon team challenge, a 5 day virtual team challenge that raised funds to support student and professional research in the field of medical and scientific communication. The theme for this year's challenge was "Apart but together". Our team created miCo, an AR social app that connects children within hospitals, allowing them to play games, socialize, and customize their space in AR, all from the comfort of their room.
Team members:
Naomi Robson, Michie Wu, Amy Assabgui, Mimi Guo, Abeeshan Selvabaskaran, Shehryar Saharan
Link to project on Vesalius Trust's Trust a Thon page
Check out the working prototype here
Video, interactive Adobe XD prototype
Photoshop, Adobe XD
Vesalius Trust, 2020
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